Traveler's Lab

Converting to Github: Any Problems? Lab Meeting October 26, 2017

On October 26, 2017 the Traveler’s Lab met on Wesleyan Campus to walk through the initial stages of converting and migrating our data sharing and storage activities to Github. Led virtually by our own Prof. Adam Franklin-Lyons (Marlboro College), students and professors walked through the various organizational models, and decided … Continue…

What’s a Network? How “to Database”? Lab Meeting Sept 28, 2017

The Traveler’s Lab met on Wesleyan Campus, September 28 2017 to welcome our new student members, and begin working on defining and transmitting one of the core skill sets we employ: turning a variety of historical sources into databases that represent networks of travel and communication. Prof. Pavel Oleinikov gave … Continue…

Chronography’s Geography: To Organize Geographic References

By Ethan Yaro Note: This is the fifth in a series devoted to the project “Narrative and Geography in the Chronicle of Theophanes the Confessor”. First post here; second here; third here; fourth here. The chronicle is geographically dense. After completely coding only half of the text, we have reached … Continue…

From Theory to Practice: Conference 9/7-9/8

The Traveler’s Lab hosted an international workshop conference, From Theory to Practice: Digital Methods in Research and Teaching at Wesleyan University, from Thursday 9/7 through Friday 9/8. Wesleyan University’s Olivia Drake attended a portion of the proceedings and produced a write-up of the conference and the Traveler’s Lab. (Please click … Continue…

Chronography’s Geography: What counts as Geographic Reference?

By Jesse W. Torgerson and Ethan Yaro Note: This is the fourth in a series devoted to the project “Narrative and Geography in the Chronicle of Theophanes the Confessor“. First post here; second here; third here. The approach we are describing in detail here allows us to artificially reconstruct, in … Continue…